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Anniversary event in Paris

This year will see Batimat, the international building trade fair, open for business in Paris for the 25th time

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The fair is due to be held on the Paris Expo site at Porte de Versailles from 7 to 12 November. More than 2 700 exhibitors have registered for this 25th event, where they will occupy a space in excess of 130 000 m². At the most recent event in 2003 there were 2 664 exhibitors presenting their products and services, 1037 of them from abroad.
This coming building trade fair will also live up to its international reputation, because more than 30 per cent of the space (approx. 40 000 m²) has been reserved by foreign manufacturers. What is more, around 80 000 visitors from 127 nations are expected to attend, which amounts to a 17 per cent share of the expected visitor total of 470 000.
“Sustainable development” is the leitmotif running through this year's event. Evident here are three major trends that will lead to significant developments in years to come: the production of energy, better access for people with limited freedom of movement, and building intelligence. These topics will be addressed and discussed at forums and talks held as part of the Batimat support programme.
In the case of energy, a currently emerging development is towards buildings that generate more energy than they consume. This has already begun, and is bound to be one of the major topics for research over the next 10 to 20 years. The aim is to gain acceptance for “positive-energy” buildings in the new-build sector, and also introduce the new technologies to the existing structural fabric in the redevelopment sector.
More than 2 700 exhibitors have registered for the 25th anniversary event.
Sustainable residential building also entails taking on board the challenges of convenience, economic efficiency, security and the environment. Solutions are readily available today. Automatic garage doors, electric shutters, video intercom systems: all are things that we take for granted. And their share will continue to increase. The challenge is now to simplify the data networks. Then many people, for instance, will be able to remain within their own four walls instead of going into a care home, or to lock up the house without even having to go to the door.
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