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Security-enhancing products

With a turnover of approx. 37 Mio euro (ITL 72 000 Mio), Iseo Serrature is one of the biggest manufacturers of locks in Europe

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The company was founded at Pisogne (Brescia, Italy) in 1969 and quickly made a name for itself both on the domestic market and abroad. The nineties were marked by developments which pointed the way ahead with regard to new products, new markets and new partnerships. Acquisitions have been taking place since 1995 in order to extend the scope of the product offer, which today ranges from traditional locks (passive security) through to security and access control systems (active security).
The company intends to offer customers a “turnkey” service for both traditional locks and control or management devices as components of systems that can be activated and deactivated with a key.
The growth of demand for security has caused Iseo Serrature to develop new market strategies. These focus on security, efficiency, modularity, functionality and design.
 The R11 cylinder lock with new ergonomic key.
The R11 security cylinder with its new ergonomic key meets these demands. The plastic-coated reversible key, which is 3 mm thick, was developed with convenience of handling in mind.
The export business of the ISO 9001-certified company has increased greatly. Exports now account for 60 per cent of total turnover. The company’s products are distributed not only in Europe but also in Latin America and the Middle East.
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