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Time to come clean

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Sylvia Herzog, DIY in Europe, GermanyManaging Editor
An International Hardware Fair/Practical World in Cologne every two years. That was the decision reached three years ago. The major players in the industry, especially the big power tool manufacturers, wanted it like that, for reasons of cost and because their innovative capacity is not sufficient to warrant an annual event. But precisely these players, who were so strongly in favour of the two-yearly cycle at the time, are now turning their backs on the fair altogether.
No question but that trade show participation is expensive: stand and floorspace, staff, overnight accommodation, catering and logistics make inroads into your budget. But it gets really expensive when entire halls are booked. Then there has to be a show programme for the visitors as well, and that costs another packet. It’s self-evident that most companies are unwilling to go to such expense every year.
There is no proof that suppliers’ innovative capacity has actually been on the decline during the year without a show. If that were the case, the magazines would long have discontinued their new products pages and there would be no entries for the new products of the year competition either.
The big firms might manage with a two-yearly fair cycle, but it is harder for the smaller ones. Appearing at the fair pays off for them. Making new contacts and developing existing ones here for four whole days is more cost-effective than sending their sales team out into the field for weeks on end.
Many consider it a sign of arrogance that precisely those firms that were responsible for demanding the two-yearly cycle are now absent from the Hardware Show. Don’t they need it any more? But the competition from China will sooner or later force them to come clean, to nail their colours to the mast.
The organisers are certain that this year’s International Hardware Fair/Practical World will be a success for all participants, even without these firms. The event features 3 600 exhibitors, a new hall structure and a broad auxiliary programme offering many possibilities for both informing and communicating. Why don’t you visit the International Hardware Show/Practical World yourself and form your own impressions? It is open to visitors from 5 to 8 March.
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