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World of lighting

Briloner concentrates on the subject of lighting, and in the lower to medium price range. Currently the focus is on LED applications and energy conservation
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There is scarcely anything missing from the range of products offered by Briloner in the lighting segment. To mention just a few key words: wall lights, ceiling fittings, table lamps, pendants and outdoor lighting. LED and energy conservation, the dominant themes of the moment, cannot actually be separated from each other. That is because LED products, which have a long life span and low power consumption, particularly in the field of signal and decorative lighting, can also be included under the energy-saving heading. On the other hand, however, the topic has not yet reached its full potential when it comes to the complete illumination of entire living areas. The range of products in this segment includes table lamps, clamp-on and cabinet lighting, and wall lights. There is also a broad programme of products covering the second topic of the day, energy-saving lighting, sold complete with lamps or tubes. Briloner’s diverse spectrum of products is marketed as a shelf display or merchandiser presentation, and can also be offered in special combinations for thematic emphasis. For example, bathroom or kitchen lighting can be found clearly presented on individual gondolas, and the same goes for a variety of track lighting systems. What is more, the company also offers “Powerdisplays”, or promotional boxes with a photo header card and pallets with a superstructure display. “It is first and foremost the lower to medium sales price range that we cover with our self-service selection of products,” explains Friedrich Bals, the company’s prokurist and commercial manager. Another example of this is the recently developed “New Line” display concept, which can be used to great effect on a very small space. “And we offer appropriate concepts for aggressive low-end price ranges as well.” Packaging across all the product groupings is geared to international standards, partly because the Brilon-based company considers that sales abroad in particular offer further possibilities for growth. The export share at present amounts to around 30 per cent. The main emphasis here is on Austria and Switzerland, together with the Czech Republic, Poland, Scandinavia and France. Mr Bals can also see further growth potential in eastern Europe and Britain.
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