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The garden and leisure fairs Jarditec and Créabitat will be held at Villepinte in northern Paris within the framework of the Salons d’Automne from 24 to 26 September


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The range of products in hall 5 B at Jarditec and Créabitat concentrates on the home and garden. The organisers feel it is important to open up to exhibitors new sales potential in the interface between the garden and living space, between plant care and decoration. Last year saw Créabitat’s premiere staging in Paris; exhibitor participation at the event far from lived up to expectations. For this year the organisers have announced the participation at Jarditec and Créabitat together of around 450 international exhibitors, who will be occupying a space of 32 000 m². Leisure products from France, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom are experiencing tremendous growth. This year a separate “creative leisure” area is being set up for the first time at Créabitat. The household equipment segment concentrates on presenting tools, hardware and electricals in particular. New exhibitors will be coming from Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom. Innovations play a major role at this event, a fact that finds expression in the great number of competitions being organised, which include awards for new products. The “Nouvel Art” of modern living and lifestyles is given graphic illustration at stand G 61. Over and above this comes the announcement of an audit of visitors on the subject of do-it-yourself: around 80 per cent of DIY and handicraft projects are never actually finished, so what sort of help can customers be given? Within the framework of the autumn fairs, which include Hortimat-New Plants (400 exhibitors) and Urbavert-Urbatec (500 exhibitors) with their attendance figure of approximately 50 000 last year, visitors can obtain a market overview of the leisure and environmental segments. The plant ranges at Jarditec, Hortimat-New Plants and Urbavert are arranged along an axis this year, with an “Allée verte” (green avenue) linking together the living worlds of the different fairs.
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