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Changeover at Fediyma

Gilles Cailles, managing director of Red Head France and president of Unibal, a French DIY manufacturers? association, was substantially involved in establishing Fediyma, the European Federation of DIY Manufacturers, and has headed it as president since it was set up. However, Mr Cailles has now resigned from this office
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DIY International spoke with him about the reasons behind his decision, the development of the Federation and prospects for the future. What has induced you to give up the office of president of Fediyma? After being President of Fediyma for nine years, the time has come to promote a new management and a new president with the election of Reinhard Wolff, who will certainly continue to develop the influence of our federation, which was originally created in 2000. Of course I am still a member of the board and will contribute to the future of Fediyma in the years to come. You were involved in starting Fediyma up and, as its president, have significantly contributed to shaping it. What were your motives? Yes, I can say I have been extremely active in promoting the idea of a European organisation that gathers together national DIY manufacturers? associations. This was finally made possible by the strong support of three founding members: France, Germany and the United Kingdom. In my mind the main purposes and objectives of such an organisation were as follows: - to build a European body capable of helping European DIY suppliers to understand the market more globally, since it was obvious that major retailers were playing cross-border strategies. - to monitor end-user studies in various countries, benchmark local behaviour patterns, and estimate if and how a ?European DIY consumer? was to emerge. - to help suppliers to better anticipate changes by understanding what was happening in other countries in terms of new formats, retailer expectations, market trends etc. - And, at the least, to offer a place to talk, to exchange ideas, to socialize  and to grow a European network of professionals. Has this involvement been worthwhile from your point of view? I strongly believe Fediyma has played a very efficient role in helping suppliers, manufacturers, and probably retailers as well, to better understand the important changes in our industry, and to implement new policies. This has been well understood by members who joined Fediyma after its launch: Belgium, Denmark and Spain. What would you say were your biggest success stories? The first Fediyma Forum was a challenge and, in all sincerity, its success has been a real reward for all of us. Another success I remember well was when we convinced our friends from Spain that they should set up a Spanish association of manufacturers first and only then join Fediyma, which they did, bringing today a major contribution to…
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