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Retailers and manufacturers enjoyed frank and open discussions with each other at the 1st European Home Improvement Forum
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Was this more than the usual lip service to the partnership between industry and commerce? At all events the conference management missed no opportunity to conjure up the new spirit of communality that reigned at the DIY industry’s Congress of Vienna: at the 1st European Home Improvement Forum 2010, which was jointly staged in Vienna in mid-June by FEDIYMA, a manufacturers’ association, together with the retailers’ organisation EDRA. “Retailers and manufacturers can work together” – with demonstrative emphasis on the “can” as spoken by Régis Degelcke, Vice CEO of Groupe Adeo. His opening address pointed the way, for it was in fact a dialogue. Together with Reinhard Wolff, president of FEDIYMA, the two speakers established the themes that were intended to set the trends at the two-day event. These included innovation as the “driver of the market”, reduction of the delays of payment in several countries, as well as joint efforts on the topics of marketing, the internet and supply chain efficiency. So the event took place against a background of climate change – in a positive sense here. That none other than the polar explorer Robert Swan was the first speaker also fitted into the overall picture in that, over and above his special field, the topic of sustainability was repeatedly addressed. The attendance figure of 318 registered delegates slightly exceeded expectations. A great number of manufacturers and retailers were represented by their top management. The list of VIP speakers also included the CEOs of Kingfisher, Obi, Baumax and Byggmax. Glittering highlight The undisputed highlight of the Forum was the presentation of the European DIY Lifetime Award to Sir Geoffrey Mulcahy, formerly head of Kingfisher. The laudatory discourse was held by Manfred Maus, founder of Obi. He described the recipient of the prize as a man who understood change. Otmar Hornbach, who had come specially for the occasion, declared “You invented Kingfisher” as he presented the award. In his brief speech of thanks Sir Geoffrey stressed the role of “game-changing innovation”: in his words, “Retailers who don’t innovate, disappear”. In this context he particularly emphasized the significance of e-commerce. “Don’t be too late!” he urged the industry. “The key thing is not the idea. The key thing is implementing it!” Download: 
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