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In Marco Polo’s footsteps

The Liqui Moly brand has become firmly established in the marketplace, not only in Germany but all over the world
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Liqui Moly has become an internationally recognised brand, not just since last year’s TV advertising campaign and other extensive marketing measures. Export business already accounts for 40 per cent of overall sales, with plenty of scope for manoeuvre upward. “Our export business will be able to develop considerably more vigorously in the future than the domestic side,” states Gerhard Riedmüller with conviction. He is responsible for the export business of this specialist motor oils supplier. He believes that the worldwide potential is fifteen times the size of the German market. For over 40 years now the company has been following in Marco Polo’s footsteps as it markets its products abroad. Originally this was limited to just a few countries in Europe, such as Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia and Switzerland. “However, in the meantime we have increased the 1996 sales figure by a factor of ten,” says Riedmüller. Nowadays every other litre of motor oil goes to one of more than 100 countries, while the company also has branches of its own in China, South Africa, Portugal and the USA. The differences between the markets are as pronounced as the variations in performance. Over the past three years significant sales increases were notched up by Australia, the company’s own branch in South Africa and China. The strongest growth in terms of volume, amount-ing to € 5 mio overall, was in Russia and Ukraine. Liqui Moly also has a presence in Turkmenistan, a relatively uncommon market. “We are working there in cooperation with an exceptional partner, who has very great market penetration,” says Riedmüller. The result: sales of € 1.5 mio in four years. Exports overall in 2010 (as at October 2010) recorded an increase of 32 per cent on the previous year. There are still more new markets on Riedmüller’s list. Some examples are Ghana, Nigeria, Tajikistan, Brunei, Cambodia, Vietnam and Senegal. “However, we are betting heavily on China, Japan, the USA, Mexico, Spain and Scandinavia as the markets with the best prospects for the next few years,” continues Riedmüller. His most important individual goal for the next five years: Brazil. Download: 
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