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In March Bilbao Exhibiton centre plans to present Ferroforma-Bricoforma as a revamped event The organisers in Bilbao intend to present the 2011 Ferroforma-Bricoforma trade fair from 23 - 26 March as a revamped event that is designed to be more participative. One example of this is that specialist end-users will be admitted to the fair. Altogether there is to be more use of demonstrations, contests and round tables, etc to provide more interest for visitors. The programme will also include seminars on “Logistics and Hardware” and “Inefficiency and Savings in Inter-sector Communication”, plus the presentation of “Spain’s Best Hardware Stores: 10 Success Stories”. What is more, the organisers have launched an international promotional campaign. They are concentrating in particular on Latin America, the fair’s third largest participating region, and eastern Europe, along with the Maghreb and the Middle East. The start of the campaign was marked by meetings in Columbia and Brazil. The programme also includes visits by those responsible for the fair to Mexico, Argentina, Poland and Russia. Download: 
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