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A survey by Konzept & Markt reveals that customers have very different perceptions of merchandising displays in DIY stores. However, there is one company that manages to stand out clearly from the competition: Bosch
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It is self-evident that a distinctive and expressive POS display will have an impact on the popularity of the brand. Nevertheless, the fact that consumers tend to take special notice of shop-in-shop systems, then store them in their memory, thereby providing clear support for the brand, has not necessarily been backed up by the appropriate research so far. Now in the latest joint survey by Konzept & Markt, a market research company, and publishers Dähne Verlag, respondents were asked which manufacturers had stuck in their mind through specially striking merchandising displays in their favourite DIY store. And the results are unequivocal: 42 per cent of all respondents proved to be by far most strongly aware of Bosch. All the other responses failed to pass the ten per cent mark. Over one-third of the respondents cannot recall even one striking merchandising display in their regular DIY store, however. On top of this, the degree of perceptibility of the POS displays fluctuates from one DIY store to the next. For instance, Bosch achieved a top rating of 54 per cent among the customers at Bauhaus. Hornbach and Max Bahr followed close behind, with a percentage share of 51 per cent and 49 per cent respectively. Some DIY store customers mentioned private labels. These included the “Go on” brand in Hagebaumarkt stores, which achieved a rating of four per cent. This put it ahead of Osram, Fischer, Hilti and Kärcher. Customers of Praktiker, Toom and Hagebaumarkt were least able to recall any striking merchandising displays. More than 40 per cent of this group of interviewees were unable to name any manufacturer with a striking display in their regular DIY store. This figure was even higher in the case of Hellweg at 54 per cent. This is the fifth time that Dähne Verlag and Konzept & Markt have carried out a joint DIY customer store survey. Some of the points that were on this year’s agenda: Customer satisfaction with the DIY retailers’ performance, the brand strength and brand value of the DIY stores and promotional measures and their role for consumers. Questions were also asked about the general buying behaviour of customers. Here it became clear that the presence of efficient personnel in the stores is of special importance to all age groups. Nevertheless there were considerable differences between the age groups. According to the results of the survey, in particular customers over 60 attach the greatest importance to “staff who can answer my questions…
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