The DIY stores have come off considerably better than the entire market. Their revenue volume with garden products has risen by 1.8 per cent to € 4.39 bn. Although the specialist garden centres have also shown above-average growth, it was just 1.4 per cent on a volume of € 2.26 bn.
Market researcher and regular writer for DIY International, Klaus Peter Teipel, has determined these figures together with the IFH Cologne - Institute for Retail Research. For the current year, Teipel expects a minimal growth for the entire market of around 0.7 per cent to € 18.372 bn.
At the top of the revenue hit list is Obi, the market leader in the DIY trade with a sales revenue for the garden sector of € 1.700 bn in 2015. A look at the ten top clearly shows the dominance of the DIY stores in the garden trade: There are just three standalone garden centres among the top ten.
One of them is the Sagaflor trade cooperation occupying third place in the revenue rankings, which is not only active in the garden trade but also in the pet shop business. It has more than 500 garden centres affiliates in the garden sector that operate under various brand names.
The sales channel for large-scale garden centres is called Bellandris with currently 55 Bellandris locations. Around 90 garden centres work with the sales system "experience green", which is specially tailored to medium-sized sales space. In addition the Sagaflor headquarters oversees the sales concept "... blooming great!", which focuses on small garden centre operators and specialist gardening shops. There are also numerous businesses in the Sagaflor cooperation with an individual appearance, which don't use any of the sales systems.