Growth for garden tools

In 2005 the European market for electric garden tools experienced growth in both volume and value, as ascertained by Bosch Research

The market for electric garden tools saw positive development in almost all the countries of Europe in 2005. Better weather conditions by comparison with 2003 and 2004 "brought a noticeable market upturn", according to a report presented at a press conference by Peter Löffler, director of the Lawn & Garden product division of Robert Bosch GmbH.
The overall European market grew in volume by 12 per cent from 10.9 mio units to 12.2 mio units. However, sales were up by only 5 per cent over the previous year, from € 737 mio to € 766 mio.
Löffler singles out three fundamental trends as the reason for this double-digit volume growth: rising household income that leaves more scope for spending on the garden as a recreational activity; the number of private houses with a garden is growing by 700 000 annually in Europe, or around one per cent; and gardens are getting smaller and smaller due to the increasing price of land – so "the distance to the plug socket is getting shorter and shorter" as well.
However, the sub-markets in Europe have developed differently. Germany, Austria and Switzerland have recorded market volume growth of 6 per cent, while western Europe minus these three countries grew by only 1 per cent.
In the countries of eastern Europe, on the other hand, the disproportionate growth that is familiar from previous years has maintained its dynamism. Here the rate of increase came to 24 per cent.
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