Floorcovering: Sales growth for laminate flooring


There was great growth potential in both North America and Asia for members of the European Producers of Laminate Flooring Association (EPLF) in 1999

In 1999 the members of the EPLF sold 132 m² of laminate flooring throughout the world. Organised within this association are Europe’s leading manufacturers of laminate flooring, which include companies from Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Austria, Sweden and Switzerland.
Of overall global sales of 222.4 mio m² (external market survey), the EPLF’s share of the world laminate flooring market amounted to 59.3 per cent. Traditionally Europe has been the major market for EPLF members: 103.4 mio m² of the laminate flooring produced in Europe was sold in European countries. This corresponds to a market share of 77.1 per cent, given an overall European market of 134 mio m². The manufacturers organised in the EPLF occupied a strong position in North America as well. At 39 mio m² the American laminate flooring market was far from being as well developed as the European market; however, EPLF members already accounted for 43.9 per cent (or 17.1 mio m²) of this market of 39 mio.
The export business of the companies belonging to the EPFL has not progressed quite so far in the Asia/Pacific region: in 1999 they sold 8.4 mio m² of laminate flooring there, which indicates an 18.5 per cent share of the overall market of 46 mio m². The EPFL members exported a further 2.9 mio m² to other regions of the world, which amounts to a market share of 79.8 per cent.
Both the North American and Asian-Pacific markets offered great growth potential. Several companies belonging to the EPFL reacted to this trend with the construction of production facilities on the spot. According to estimates made by the EPFL from results in 2000, double-digit percentage growth rates are to be expected in these regions for the overall market and also for the sales of EPFL members.
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