“Satisfactory result”

Over 15 000 trade visitors attended Ferroforma in Bilbao in late March

Ferroforma/Practical World, which was open for business in Bilbao, Spain, from 25 to 27 March 2009, attracted a total of 15 172 visitors (2007: 24 080), 1 237 of them from abroad. This year’s event saw 776 exhibitors from 27 countries in just three of the total of six halls, which were fully occupied by 1 314 suppliers only two years ago. In view of the difficult economic situation, José Miguel Corres, CEO of the Bilbao Exhibition Centre, describes the figures as “satisfactory and indicative of the high level of development of the event, which offered a platform for contacts, business deals and activities, etc, and brought the whole sector closer together.”
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