Top ten global garden trends 2010

The second annual Global Garden Report from Husqvarna and Gardena has identified ten global gardening trends. Top three trends include the kitchen garden, the organic garden, and the feel good garden

What is gardening about today and in the future? What do gardeners do, think about, live for? What is at hear of modern gardening around the globe? From 2010, individualism in the garden is on the rise, replacing conformity. Gone is the obsession with keeping up with the neighbours’ ... it’s now about expressing yourself using your outdoor space, encouraged by on-line friends. This is one of the insights from the second Global Garden Report, based on 1.4m blog posts from 13 countries, commissioned by Husqvarna and Gardena. The Global Garden Report 2010 was written by reserach and management firm Kairos Future, commissioned by Husqvarna and Gardena. 1. The Kitchen Garden Kitchen gardening is probably the biggest global trend of the moment and follows consumers desire to grow their own produce. The main purposes are to save money, cut down on food miles and most importantly to obtain a better understanding of where the produce comes from and what’s been used to cultivate it. 2. The Organic Garden The backlash against the use of pesticides in mass food production is gaining pace and as a result home organic gardening is clearly on the rise giving consumers access to healthy and less expensive vegetables and fruit. As with the Kitchen Garden trend, this trend will continue to expand beyond 2010 as part of the functional approach to gardening that we last saw in the western world in the late 1940’s and 50’s. 3. The Feel Good Garden As we continue to live stressful lives, there is an ever increasing need for a safe haven at home. Globally more of us are turning to our gardens for the peace and tranquillity that nature is perfectly suited to deliver. For 2010 we will be looking to our garden spaces to unwind after work, relax and ‘recharge the batteries’ and most importantly reconnect with nature which traditionally has a calming influence of our lives. 4. The Artistic Garden Styling has long played a part in everyday living whether that’s been with the clothes we wear, the houses we decorate and the cars we drive ... but for this coming year garden styling is going to come to the forefront. The desire to create a wonderful garden often needs a helping ‘human’ hand and styling gives gardeners an opportunity to express themselves and their personalities, turning everyday gardens in to pieces of art. 5. The Wilderness Garden Unlike the stylised gardens detailed above, there is also an increasing trend towards creating a natural wilderness, particularly in the western world. Instead of the neat, well organised garden spaces, these gardeners prefer to let nature run its course allowing them to declare and express their independent thinking towards garden conventions. 6. The Social Garden There is an ever increasing trend towards turning your garden space in to a social space and using it as an extension of your indoor living area. Evidence of this is the development of garden furniture, outdoor cooking facilities and increased expenditure on patio heaters. Our gardens are becoming true social spaces where we entertain others and gather for celebrations such as weddings, birthdays and anniversaries. 7. The Urban Garden It’s easy to assume that urban areas are not conducive to gardening but 2010 is expected to see an explosion in urban gardening as a means of reconnecting with nature. Even when urban garden space is at a premium is doesn’t stop young gardeners ... the growing phenomenon of ‘guerrilla gardening’ of public spaces is proof that a lack of garden space is not enough to hold them back. 8. The Lush Garden The joy of gardening that comes from hard work and effort will never go away. The pleasure it gives gardeners is central to why traditional pruning will remain a strong trend in 2010. It is less about structure, planning and style and more about the actual love and effort that goes in to making the garden look good which fulfils many gardeners need for a hard working hobby. 9. Container Gardening The increase in container based gardening around the world continues at a real pace and is a reflection that not everyone has large available space to dedicate to gardening. 2010 will see a further increase in this new wave of gardening especially with the growing of vegetables as gardeners look to cushion the worldwide economic blow and do something for themselves. 10. The Greenhouse Garden For the gardener bloggers the green house is much more than a place to grow plants. It is the rite of passage transforming the ordinary gardener to a serious gardener. Greenhouses are status is the gardening blogosphere and the further north you get, the more important the green house.
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