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Parquet and laminate in demand

Whereas the sale of textile floor coverings has stagnated in recent years, parquet and laminate in particular belong to the segments of the flooring market that in the year 2000 continued to achieve constant growth, despite an environment that was becoming more difficult

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At any rate, last year in Europe the consumption of parquet rose once again by around eight per cent to over 90 mio m². For the current year the forecast is for stagnation overall. This includes an increase for the southern European countries and a drop in consumption for the countries of central Europe caused by the weakness of the construction industry in general.
Parquet flooring has managed to increase its share of the total flooring market continuously over recent years. Although it still seems pretty modest at five per cent, this is precisely what allows the segment to hope for further gains in market share.
European parquet sales 2000
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The manufacturers of the Asia Pacific region, who also have their own organisation, occupied a strong position. This market – the main focus of which is in China – is assumed to have grown from 46 mio m² to 65 mio m² in the year 2000, with 24 mio m² at least coming from EPLF sources, which corresponds to an increase in market share of 18.5 per cent in 1999 to 37 per cent in 2000.
The North American market for laminate flooring comes third after Europe and the Asia Pacific region with a total of 50 mio m². Here again the European manufacturers were able to exercise a disproportionate amount of influence: their sales grew to 27 mio m² (previous year 17.2 mio m²), which signifies an increase of market share from 44 to 54 per cent.
In Europe the markets of Germany, France and the United Kingdom still continue to make up the leading trio, which absorbs two thirds of laminate flooring sales (in the above order, with Germany taking the dominant role). Next, at a distance, come the Netherlands, Belgium and Austria. However, the unevenness of distribution in terms of the number of households in the individual countries suggests here as well that laminate flooring has not yet by any means exhausted all the existing market potential.
Market share of floor coverings in Europe 2000
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