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Mixed feelings

Opinions expressed by exhibitors and visitors at this year’s Gafa and Spoga in Cologne were divided when it came to the quality and outcome of the fairs

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The international garden industry congregated in Cologne between 31 August and 2 September for the International Trade Fair Gafa, held in conjunction with Spoga, the parallel exhibition for the leisure sector.
On taking stock, visitors and exhibitors alike came to greatly varying conclusions. There were quite a few exhibitors who complained of a considerable drop in visitor numbers, although the organisers Koelnmesse registered 48 000 trade visitors to the combined Gafa and Spoga fairs, a figure that is 500 higher than last year’s total.
The views expressed by Gafa exhibitors were evidently dependent on their product offer and the halls where they were located. Hall 14.1, for instance, which harboured exhibitors like Gardena and Al-Ko, was very well frequented, whereas suppliers located in Hall 9.1 expressed very negative comments about the number of visitors in evidence. Satisfaction was expressed by those exhibitors who were offering innovative product concepts or who had sent out invitations to potential business partners in advance.
It was not possible to overlook the many rest areas that were in evidence this year, a feature made necessary because last year’s exhibitor figures were unachievable this time round. The number of suppliers came to 1 051 this year, which is almost 13 per cent fewer than in 2002. Several big names were missing in the motorised equipment category, and some of those that did come displayed their products on considerably smaller areas. This made it all the more difficult for visitors, almost half of whom came from abroad, to get a complete overview of the products available a- cross the entire market.
A total of 48 000 trade visitors, or 500 more than in 2002, came to Gafa and Spoga in Cologne.
High visitor quality
The first results from a visitor survey suggest that specialist garden retailers and garden centres accounted for the greater part of the demand. “The high quality of the visitors, something that the exhibitors repeatedly single out for praise,” says Oliver P. Kuhrt, managing director of Koelnmesse, “is confirmation of the fact that central buyers and the industry’s most significant decision-makers are represented in Cologne.”
This assessment is underlined by further survey results, which suggest that 91 per cent of visitors are involved in procurement decisions, and over 55 per cent have the final say. Sixty-three per cent came from all levels of commerce. Garden furnishings and products attracted the interest of 51 per…
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