DIY plus

Utilising synergies

Three French companies, Guy Noel, Tenexa and Richard, have joined forces under the umbrella of GTR Europe

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They offer their products for sale jointly, organise combined trade fair appearances and deal with logistics collectively. Any cost benefits resulting from this teamwork are passed on to the group’s customers.
The second step in the plan is for the loose association of firms to develop into one autonomous company. The products manufactured by the three firms complement each other extremely well: Guy Noel produces concrete mixers, Richard specialises in the production of wheelbarrows and Tenexa is a manufacturer of ladders.
Guy Noel, headquartered at Amberieu en Buguey, started up in 1962 with the production of concrete mixers, at first models for professional users. Then in 1983 the company began to orientate itself to the DIY market, and since then has also been producing smaller models. The DIY retail business, in the meantime, figures more prominently: sixteen times more concrete mixers are sold in this area than on the professional side. The figures for 2002 indicate the sale of 104 000 machines for the DIY sector and 6 500 for professionals. This amounts to a daily production run of 628 units.
The company markets the mixers under three different brand names: Betomix is sold in DIY stores, and Guy Noel and Ransom are the professional brands. The products for DIYers have a capacity of between 130 and 190 litres. The company recorded sales of almost € 24 mio in the last financial year, 35 per cent of which were notched up abroad. The mixers are exported to 30 countries, and the company has established its own sales agency in Germany. Bruno Chanal, managing director of the marketing company Etablissements Guy Noel, estimates the market share of the two brands, Betomix and Guy Noel, at 60 per cent.
Guy Noel offers concrete mixers with a 130 to 190 l capacity for sale in DIY stores.
Tenexa (Vuillemenot-Thedis) of Exincourt is the second company in the association, a manufacturer of aluminium ladders and scaffolding that is one of the four biggest producers in this segment. The firm was founded in 1953 by René Vuillemenot, the grandfather of today’s proprietor Luc Vuillemenot. Production at that time consisted of wooden ladders and other articles made from wood. The first patent was taken out in 1959, on wooden ladders with hexagonal tenons (Fr.: TENons hEXAgonaux). The first aluminium ladders left the production line in 1980. Today the company has an output of 19 km per day of different models of aluminium ladders for professionals and DIYers. Domestic…
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