DIY plus

More individuality

Bima offers end-consumers items made specially to order, in addition to its enlarged standard range of products

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Bima concentrates on the area of mechanical security products. Here it offers a broad range of standard products including fencing, gates and grilles, as well as lights, wrought iron and aluminium profiles. However, this product portfolio has recently been considerably enlarged so that it now also puts emphasis on individualised product solutions and add-on services.
In the area of window grilles and fencing, for instance, a module displaying standard products has been designed specially for DIY stores. Catalogues and data sheets can also be found there. Customers can use the latter to fill in the measurements of the product required together with the required method of installation. These sheets are then sent from the store to the company in Mannheim, where the products are manufactured, and finally supplied to the customer through the DIY store.
Letter boxes can also be individually designed to order.
Among the new products introduced by Bima is a range of metal letter boxes, which can also be individually designed through choice of colour, logo or engraving.
The company has added door mats with a stainless steel frame to the range, for which a special merchandiser is available. Also new to the product offer is sheet metal, that can be used for decorative purposes or repairs, and is also available to order.
The range of information for consumers at the POS has been expanded considerably. This includes much work done with symbols and pictograms on packaging, which is also an advantage when it comes to international business.
Bima offers individual solutions where window grilles, fencing and gates are concerned.
Bima has greatly increased its commitment abroad, something that is documented by staff appointments. Sven Schreieck has been in position as international sales manager since the beginning of last year. In 2002 he succeeded in increasing international business by 30 per cent on what was almost a like-for-like basis.
Previously the volume of exports had been around ten per cent, with the company represented in 23 countries all around the globe. It is hoped to increase this to around 30 per cent in the next few years. Service is offered to customers in 14 different countries. The company also has its own field staff team on the spot in Austria, Switzerland, France, Slovenia and Croatia.
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