DIY plus

Something new for every style of living

New colours, designs and textures, together with high-quality materials, are the trends emerging at the World of Home Improvement/DIY

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The firms from the construction, conversion and renovation sectors that are exhibiting at Practical World are blazing a trail for a style of living which is yet more harmoniously geared to people’s different ideas about what is of value and what is aesthetically pleasing.
New colours, designs and textures emphasise the visual components, whereas structural, material-related and electronic innovations demonstrate the technical functionality of the many and varied products.
Innovative ideas in the building sphere
The building materials sector is reacting to the intensifying discussion on the subject of damage to health from electrosmog with special protective wall panels, which have electrically conductive backing boards, to shield living areas from alternating fields and high-frequency electromagnetic waves. Particularly malleable fillers, which are easy to apply straight from the tub, now facilitate pointing and finishing jobs on plasterboard. In an equally uncomplicated process, whether indoors, outdoors or tackling plumbing jobs, it is possible to apply ready-made joint filling compounds simply by squeezing the tube, without the need for a gun. Also developed for DIYers are decorators’ surfacers for the creation of attractive special finishes on all sorts of walls. The new tile collections introduce decorating trends ranging from the very grand through to the countrified-natural as well as the young and colourful.
Effects through colour
Colour-washed, stippled and rag-rolled finishes can be achieved with special-effect paints.
Photo: Brillux
Possibilities for individual creativity are also characteristic of the innovative trends in paints and varnishes. Colour-washed, sponged, stippled or rag-rolled tints can be achieved with special-effect paints. Dead matt school blackboard paint in traditional black or green is suitable both as a finish for retro-look boards and as an unconventional decorative element. Aromatic-free, low-odour coatings have been developed for high-quality paintwork on windows, doors, frames, woodwork, fitted cupboards and other furniture.
More patterns
The demand for more colour and more patterns is apparent in the many and varied aspects of interior design. There are self-adhesive borders with colourful motifs for dividing up large wall surfaces and framing doors, windows and niches. Three-dimensional effect stickers for decorating individual tiles create a new spatial effect in the kitchen or bathroom. A solution for rooms where moisture…
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