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Boost for the building sector

Bau 2005 attracted 10 000 more visitors than in 2003. The sector is again looking more optimistically towards the future

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Bau 2005, which was open for business in Munich between 17 and 22 January, has given the building and construction sector new confidence and impetus. More than 190 000 visitors attended Europe’s largest building materials fair – or around 10 000 more than two years ago. The visitors came from 134 countries, compared with 99 at the last event. There were noticeable increases in numbers from the Middle and Far East. For instance, considerably more visitors came from Iran (877), China (719) and Japan (602). Eastern Europe and the new EU member states were strongly represented at Bau 2005 as well, with large contingents of visitors coming from Russia (796), Slovenia (885), the Czech Republic (748), Turkey (659), Hungary (436), Lithuania (379), Poland (366) and Ukraine (219). In total, around 23 000 visitors came to Bau 2005 from outside Germany.
At the end of the six days of the fair, which were characterised by full halls and an euphoric atmosphere at times, the sector is heading into the new year with fresh impetus and a great boost in confidence. The total number of visitors amounted to 1 913, with 481 of the total coming from abroad. They occupied an exhibition space of 170 000 m2, which is 10 000 m² more than the 2003 event.
Many of the exhibitors reported making a great number of promising contacts and having very open, positive talks. The good mood at the stands of the exhibiting companies is also reflected in the survey of exhibitors carried out by the opinion pollsters TNS Infratest. Thirty-eight per cent of the exhibitors, or 16 per cent more than two years ago, rated the current situation in the sector as “excellent to good”, and 44 per cent (+ 6 per cent) described it as acceptable. The sector is also looking more optimistically towards the future once again: 36 per cent of the exhibitors expect the situation in the building and construction industry to improve.
More than 190 000 visitors came to Munich for Europe’s largest building materials fair.
According to the survey, 89 per cent of exhibitors rated Bau 2005 as “excellent to good”, which translates into growth of 10 per cent. Their goal of initiating new business contacts was achieved by 77 per cent of exhibitors, and 88 per cent were able to consolidate existing business relations.
The fair was also given positive marks by the visitors, almost all of whom were from the trade (97.4 per cent). Eighty-nine per cent rated it “excellent to good”, particularly mentioning the depth and breadth of the…
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