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Europe's DIY customers under scrutiny

Fediyma’s consumer survey comes to the conclusion that DIY manufacturers and retailers must present their customers with comprehensive solutions, rather than concentrating simply on the sale of products

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The study, which was commissioned by Fediyma, the umbrella association of European manufacturers, involved conducting research among 7 600 consumers in ten countries in Europe over the internet last year.
This showed that consumers in some countries were quite satisfied with the presentation and service offered by their DIY retailers. However, one thing became clear from all the examples included in the survey: that both retailers and manufacturers could grow their sales if they took better account of consumers’ requirements by providing them with inspiration and information for their DIY projects.
The research divides Europe’s DIY customers into five groups with different behavioural patterns and needs:
O Active DIYers, who represent 21 per cent of the market, tackle DIY on a regular basis and take on the biggest projects.
O Home Improvers, accounting for 16 per cent of the market and taking on smaller, less complicated DIY tasks.
O Decorators, who are mainly women and tend to concentrate on decorative improvements. They contribute 26 per cent and are strongly represented among the younger age groups.
O Discounters account for a 16 per cent segment of the market and are primarily motivated by finding the best price.
O Smeasers (21 per cent) focus on small, easy DIY activities.
In matters of spending, Smeasers are the least important group, while active DIYers and Home Improvers are the two most important. But they react in different ways to brands and retailer presentations.
Active DIYers are very brand-oriented, reacting to retailers’ promotions that stimulate them to perform still more DIY tasks. They simply love doing-it-themselves, constantly endeavour to improve their DIY skills, and like it when their completed jobs meet with appreciation.
Home Improvers are also brand-oriented, though they undertake DIY tasks not for the sheer joy of it, but out of economic necessity. Some older members of this group rely on help and guidance from retailers and manufacturers, who must provide the necessary encouragement and support.
Decorators are equally conscious of brands, but will also accept own-label products from a retailer they trust. If they want to generate more sales from this group, retailers must go more for stimulating displays that convey new ideas. Decorators are happy to spend their spare time making improvements to their homes, and to help others as well.
Smeasers only tackle projects that are small and easy to complete. Brands are not important: the only…
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