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Slowing down of growh

The European market for bio-chemical products for the home and garden showed strong growth up to 1999, though growth rates will be more moderate in future

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In the west European hobby and leisure sector potting composts, pesticides and fertilizers have a market volume of around 2 billion euros. In Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Spain consumers spent 1.38 bn euro on potting composts, fertilisers and pesticides in 1999. This market still has growth potential, according to market research carried out by the Compo-Marktforschung company, in view of the 47.2 mio owners of gardens and 86.1 mio who possess indoor or balcony plants.
 Up to the year 2003 consumer spending in the six countries is expected to grow by 8 per cent to 1.49 bn euro, corresponding to annual growth rates of two per cent. This indicates that the growth levels of the past can no longer be attained: from 1996 to 1999 consumer spend rose by 16 per cent to 1 381 mio euro, which corresponds to average annual growth of 5.3 per cent.
The major channels of distribution for potting composts, fertilizers and pesticides in Europe are garden centres and agricultural specialist stores or cooperatives, each of which has a 24 per cent share of the market, then DIY superstores at 21 per cent, followed by hypermarkets at 18 per cent. Bringing up the rear are flower shops at a mere 1 per cent.
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