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The French hardware specialist Norail has developed a new display wall that makes it easier for customers to select the right products for their purposes
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The company, which has its headquarters at Le Cateau, can look back over 45 years of experience in the hardware business. The range of products, consisting of builders’ and cabinet hardware, ropes and chains, is manufactured in Europe and Asia. Norail has redesigned the company’s display wall for use at the POS, so that the different product groups are now signposted by means of a colour-coding system. What is more, there is a special display that shows customers which hardware or plugs are suitable for which applications. The sales wall can be designed in sizes varying from one to eight metres. The company’s annual sales amount to approximately € 12.5 mio, 20 per cent of which is generated in Poland and Belgium. More importance is to be given to exports in the future. “We want to strengthen our image in Spain, Italy and Belgium in particular,” explains proprietor and managing director Charles Blangis, who took over the family concern seven years ago.Ensuring that the products, and especially the packaging, are geared to the needs of today’s users is something that Charles Blangis sets great store by. This is shown in the example of the new packaging that has been developed for professional users. The contents of the box are heat-sealed, which means they can be removed only after slitting it open. An additional lid allows for the box to be closed again after use.All packaging is manufactured by the company itself and can be adapted to private labels if customers so wish. The company also employs sales representatives to provide service and advice to DIY stores.New to the programme is a handy “First Aid Box” for DIYers, which contains over 1 000 items to cover all everyday requirements. The lower section of this compact box is filled with a wide selection of hardware that includes picture hooks,  brackets and washers. Above this is a removable tray containing tools such as screwdrivers, a multifunctional knife and pliers. As Charles Blangis is happy to report, “Our box has won the “Trophée de la Maison” this year.” This much sought-after award is given to products that actually live up to their sales promise.
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