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At the recent Gafa event Fitt presented two innovative garden hoses that the company has developed for the purpose of transforming technology in the world of gardening and irrigation
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Feeling under an obligation to the environment, the Italian producer of hoses intends to do its best to protect that most important of resources, clean water. This is the reason why Fitt has put a considerable amount of money into “the creation of two products which will not destroy the purity of the most valuable resource that exists in nature”, in the words of marketing director Monica Rigoni. Resulting from this investment are two innovative and food safe garden hoses called Acua and Native.PVC provides the basis for the production of garden hoses. The plasticizers that are also used in the process can with time pass into the water, which can lead to a considerable drop in performance. The most common plasticizers are phthalates, the use of which is currently the subject of a scientific reassessment. This is expected to result in restrictions on their use in future.Which is why Fitt has developed a new formula, FCU (Food Contact Use), which entails replacing the phthalates in PVC with plasticizers that are nontoxic and less volatile. This not only leads to a longer useful life for the hose itself, but is also intended to guarantee the purity of the water.The first hose based on the new formula and now available is called “Acua”. According to information from the manufacturers, it is not only suitable for the transmission of liquid food products, but offers other advantages as well. These include NTS technology, which is a woven spiral lining that prevents the hose twisting or kinking.The goal of being able to offer more discerning consumers an alternative to PVC has resulted in the development and patenting of a special technology, which the company calls “TUF” (Total Unique Food). This is a stable polymer mix which is plasticizer-free, suitable for the transmission of liquid food products, and will not alter the smell or taste of water. “Native” is the first hose to be manufactured using this new technique. A process known as “Double Cell Technology”, a double mesh knitted fabric with a honeycomb structure, prevents any kinking or twisting of the hose and makes it extra pressure-proof.
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