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Growth for lawnmower market

The European market for motorised lawnmowers grew by 3.1 per cent to 935.3 mio euro in the year 2000. At 4.933 mio the number of units sold remained constant as against the 1999 figure


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This emerges from a market survey carried out by IC Interconnection Consulting Group of Vienna, which analysed the state of the lawnmower market in 16 European countries. No general cross-border trends can be discerned in respect of consumer interest, size of gardens, legal requirements or the market penetration of lawnmowers. The markets are mature ones in countries with a high rate of penetration, and consequently the majority of sales are achieved through replacement purchases. These markets react much more sensitively to weather conditions than markets with a low rate of penetration, where the greater part of sales are accrued through new customers. The number of newly established gardens is therefore the most significant factor in any market. The dramatic decline of the European currency in comparison with the US dollar and the Japanese yen means the cost of lawnmower engines rose steadily over the period under consideration, a development of particular significance for petrol mowers, since the majority of engines are imported from Japan and the US. As a result, the sales forecasts for petrol mowers over the next two years are negative. IC predicts that this situation will lead to a rise in sales figures for electric mowers. The market in Germany can be described as semi-penetrated, with around 43 per cent of all households owning a lawnmower. Electric mowers, which account for a market share in excess of 48 per cent, head the field here. The year 2000 saw a slight market increase by volume (1.7 per cent compared with 1999) and a greater increase of 6.1 per cent by value. The forecast for the next few years is negative as a result of the dramatic decline in new detached and semi-detached family homes. Last year saw the market in France exposed to a great number of highs and lows. It is a market characterised by the high proportion of ride-on mowers and lawn tractors (11.6 per cent in terms of volume). Sales figures for the year 2000 declined by 6.6 per cent to a volume of 809 000 units. A drop of 3.6 per cent to 207.7 mio euro was recorded in terms of value. The United Kingdom is Europe’s leading lawnmower market relative to the number of inhabitants. The market is an extremely mature one where more than 90 per cent of sales are replacement purchases. After a very good 1998 season, with a growth rate of up to 8.4 per cent, only moderate growth was recorded in 1999 and 2000, which led to a market volume of 1.217 mio mowers being sold last year…
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