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Structure and clarity

The mood in the run-up to the exhibition is not bad in general, which could be good for this year's International Hardware Fair in Cologne

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Structure and clarity should help. At least, this is what is being promised by Koelnmesse AG, organisers of this year's International Hardware Fair in Cologne from 28 February to 3 March. These two features of the event should help both visitors and exhibitors, and consequently the sectors that the fair appeals to overall. There is a certain tone of optimism here that does not seem totally without foundation if you ask around among retailers and their suppliers. Expectations for the year 2010 are generally positive, if somewhat muted. This can only be good news for the fair.
The 2010 International Hardware Fair has been clearly structured in five sectors: Tools, Industrial Supply, Fastening & Fittings, Locks & Fittings and Home Improvement. Koelnmesse expects this structuring to result in a stronger focus on the product categories displayed than was previously the case. It will, in fact, allow manufacturers to direct their presentational efforts towards specific target groups. The new and visitor-friendly reorganisation should also allow retailers and buyers from industry to quickly get their bearings, obtain a com-pact overview of the new products in their area of responsibility, and plan their appointments as economically as possible.
Around 2 700 suppliers from 51 countries will be displaying their goods and services on the Koelnmesse exhibition site over the four days between 28 February and 3 March 2010. "The city of Cologne will become the international hub of the sector as professionals from trade and industry come together with buyers and suppliers to discuss business and set the course for the year to come," says Oliver P. Kuhrt, executive vice president of Koelnmesse.
The biggest segment, Tools, is particularly well represented at the fair in both breadth and depth of the assortment. Over 2 000 companies are exhibiting a comprehensive range of hand and power tools, plus power tool attachments. Industrial supplies, along with workshop and factory equipment, will be displayed by around 200 companies in the Industrial Supply sector. Visitors will find innovative products introduced by 150 suppliers in the Fastening & Fittings sector, while 100 manufacturers will be presenting their products in the Locks & Fittings segment. Fastenings and fittings from Asian producers will be found concentrated in three special halls. Finally, the range on offer at the event will be completed by the DIY and building products displayed by exhibitors in…
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