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A new format with prominent names is to be presented at Totally DIY/Tools/Secure By the end of November the number of bookings made for the Totally DIY/Tools/Secure trio of trade fairs from 6 – 8 February 2011 had already reached the level of the event held in February 2010. Now the organisers are expecting around one-third more exhibitors to come to Birmingham. The show management have recently announced an innovative idea: the “Retail Tool Box”, which was developed following an overhaul of the show’s central feature. This area will be located at the heart of the fair. The idea is for visitors to enjoy a light refreshment while finding out about trade fair firsts and catching up on news from the sector. Short presentations by exhibitors will be coordinated and introduced by TV presenter Roger Bisby. Moreover, visitors will have an opportunity to sit in on taster sessions for the “Guide to Successful Retailing” master classes offered by Mary Portas, a retail consultant. She made recordings for a BBC programme at last year’s fair already. Following the recent move to Birmingham, the trade fair trio will be staged for the second time concurrently with the Spring Fair International. Download: 
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