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Second round in Istanbul

The region’s industry will meet up at Home Improvement & DIY, a Turkish trade fair
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Home Improvement & DIY, a Turkish trade fair, will be held for the second time in Istanbul from 15 to 18 September 2011, following its premiere in September 2010. Organising the event is Tedarik Gazetesi, a trade magazine from Media Force publishers, which is part of the Erem Group. Last year there were 129 exhibitors, 113 of them from Turkey and 16 from abroad, who displayed their products on an overall exhibition space of 4 700 m². Included among the exhibitors were DIY retailers with operations in Turkey and the Middle East. The attendance figures showed 7 367 visitors from 36 countries. The expectation is that these figures will be exceeded by a clear margin this year. “The show will host more than 300 exhibitors this year on a total exhibition space of 15 000 m²,” reports Özhan Erem, chairman of the board of Media Force Fuarcilik. He estimates that the Turkish DIY market represents a volume of around US $ 10 bn and, in his conviction, “is the most interesting market for local and foreign investors, with its combination of a young population and a high level of urbanisation.” As Erem says, “We know that many DIY chains with investment projects are planning to penetrate the Turkish market.” His firm belief is that “The DIY market in Turkey will continue to develop.” Download: 
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