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Europe’s one-third of worldwide sales

The World DIY Report 2011 from FEDIYMA provides detailed in�formation on the very big and not so big markets in 74 countries
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The global DIY market had a volume of € 376.7 bn in 2012. More than half of this (59.5 per cent) was attributable to North America with € 224.2 bn, while one-third of sales (€ 125.9 bn) were generated in Europe. This means that North America and Europe together have a 93 per share of the global market. By contrast Asia and the Pacific area, with a joint volume of € 18 bn, come to a share of just 4.8 per cent. This figure includes 1.8 per cent attributable to China alone. A whole wealth of data is contained in the World DIY Report 2011 of FEDIYMA, the European association of DIY manufacturers. At the same time, however, the authors are aware of the problems inherent in the data, made up as it is of material brought together from all over the world. They refer specifically to the fact that comparability of the data is only possible to a limited extent since collection is not carried out everywhere according to identical parameters. Nevertheless, the report does offer a reliable indicator to the dimensions of the markets and makes the dominance of the big DIY nations obvious: the USA comes to an overwhelming volume of € 210.1 bn, 16 times the size of that of neighbouring Canada (€ 12.9 bn). The heavyweight in Europe is Germany, with DIY sales of € 37.3 bn. France reaches just on two-thirds of that (€ 23.1 bn), while Britain is the third major DIY nation at € 14.6 bn. To put it another way: the big three together account for some 60 per cent of the European market volume. The FEDIYMA report does not simply leave it at the big countries. Its special appeal stems rather from the way it also lists many relatively small and really small markets, which are described according to their market structure and to the macroeconomic source data. None is forgotten, neither the individual states of South America or Asia (including Vietnam and Indonesia) or Africa – whereby South Africa with a market volume of € 1.6 bn carries a certain weight here, alongside the countries of North Africa. In addition the report lists the DIY retailers with active involvement in each of the respective countries, together with details of sales, retail area, number of stores and activities in other countries. Here, as in the other chapters, rankings and charts make for easier access to the volume of data – after all, the report deals with no fewer than 74 countries. Download: 
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