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Working on the image

Hymer Leichtmetallbau wants to further strengthen both image and brand. Now the intention is to hone its profile, which is summed up by the new slogan, “Trust made easy”
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Vigorous renovation work is going on in Wangen im Allgäu. But not only the interior and façade of the central administration building of Hymer-Leichtmetallbau are being modernised: the traditional Allgau-based company had already launched a new internet profile during the summer. Its three main lines of business, standard access solutions, automotive and special constructions, are afforded equal weight in the presentation. Moreover, since then the specialist manufacturer of ladders and towers has been advertising with the new slogan, “Trust made easy”. “We have discovered that hardly any other company in our industry enjoys as much trust as we do,” is how managing director Björn Hillesheim explains the idea behind the development of this new corporate promise. Such trust has been achieved above all by the high quality of both products and processes, which Hillesheim says is true of all three lines of business. “Our partners can depend on the fact that all eventualities have been considered so that the consistency of product and process quality, from planning right through to delivery, is always guaranteed.” The managing director takes as his example the Advanced Safe-T mobile tower, which, even before delivery began, was awarded a special prize by Suva, a Swiss insurance company that is regarded as an important authority on occupational safety in Switzerland. As Hillesheim explained, the designers of this mobile tower series not only concentrated on the greatest possible degree of safety and flexibility for users, but also managed to simplify the advisory process, sales and logistics for retailers through developing a modular structural system. In addition, an online configurator for access ladders and steps, platforms and podiums is available to the end-consumer. Hymer intends to live up to the promise of the new slogan, “Trust made easy”, on a social and regional level as well. “In every decision and in all our processes the company’s management pays attention to both nature and environmental conservancy,” Hillesheim emphasizes. Since May 2011 Hymer has made exclusive use of electricity from 100 per cent renewable sources, which is resulting in a reduction of CO² emissions by more than 250 tonnes. And the aim of the renovating work being undertaken on roof and façade up until spring 2012 is to reduce the heating requirement of the administration building by more than 50 per cent. Now an image campaign has also been launched in order to communicate…
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