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Slight decline for laminate

Even though laminate recorded a slight decline in global sales in 2011, the EPLF remains more than satisfied with the trend
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The 22 full member companies of the EPLF (European Producers of Laminate Flooring) report global sales from European production facilities totalling 468 mio m² in 2011. That is four per cent down on the previous year (487 mio m²). Nevertheless, during a press conference at Domotex the EPLF spoke of the best year in the history of the association. “We are not exactly jumping for joy,” said Ludger Schindler, president of the EPLF, “but we can be satisfied.” With a slight fall of one per cent the European laminate flooring industry’s core West European markets remained stable overall in 2011. Seen in absolute figures the sale of 302 mio m² in 2010 fell to 299 mio m² in 2011. Germany still remains the biggest individual European market at 80 mio m² (previous year: 83 mio m²). Turkey takes second place with 54 mio m² (54 mio m²). Third-placed France remained stable at 41 mio m² (41 mio m²). The United Kingdom recorded 30 mio m² (29 mio m²), which amounts to a slight increase for the first time in years and puts it in fourth place, while the Netherlands came fifth with 21 mio m² (21 mio m²). Negative trend in Eastern Europe The European producers of laminate flooring recorded sales of 103 mio m² in Eastern Europe in 2011, a decline of 5.5 per cent compared to the 109 mio m² sold in the previous year. Poland ranks top of the sales table with 26 mio m², while Russia is positioned close behind, making it the second-biggest market in Eastern Europe. Romania is third with falling sales. By comparison the drop in North America was dramatic, with sales falling from 41 mio m² in 2010 to 27 mio m² in 2011. The total sales made by European producers in Asia amounted to around eleven mio m², which indicates a slight increase. This was down to markets such as Israel and Iran, though China also showed slight growth, mainly through exports from European producers in the premium category. South America remained stable at 16 mio m². It is interesting to see that sales are mainly divided between two countries, Chile and Mexico, though the Argentine market also put in a good performance. The results of the 2011 EPLF Market Survey were also presented at the Domotex press conference. The association worked together with Deutsche Messe AG, organisers of the Woodflooring Summit at Domotex, on the survey. This proves what the sales figures for 2011 have suggested: laminate flooring was and still is popular with consumers. Whether German, French or Polish, they all agree on this. These…
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