3rd Global DIY-Summit, Guildhall
The big evening gala takes place at the historical Guildhall, a spectacular building and one of the most exclusive venues in London.
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3rd Global DIY-Summit

Revolutionary ideas

The motto of the 3rd Global DIY-Summit, that will be organised by Edra and Fediyma in June 2015 in London, is “Retail revolution – the future of home improvement”. A record number of participants has already been announced
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A revolution is underway - according to many experts in the retail trade based on current activities in the business. "We are experiencing a Retail Revolution characterised by the changing role of the store as one part of a much more complex and challenging relationship between the retailer and consumer", write John Herbert and Ralf Rahmede, the CEOs of the European Trade and Manufacturers' Associations Edra and Fediyma, in the foreword to the programme for the 3rd Global DIY-Summit 2015. The interest in this event, which takes place from 11 to 12 June 2015 in London, is already overwhelming. "We expect 700 participants", said John Herbert. They are coming from all corners of the globe, not just from the whole of Europe but also, for example, from Australia, Asia, North and South America and South Africa. For the first time, there will be a delegation from Japan. John Herbert is convinced that, "it will be the best event that we've ever done and London is the best city for it. Here is where it's at and here are the latest trends". Even the supporting programme for the congress makes you sit up and listen. The event location is the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel. The big evening gala takes place at the historical Guildhall, a spectacular building that has been the London City powerhouse since the twelfth century - one of the most exclusive venues in London, according to the announcement.
"Our focus in London will be on future issues in the Home Improvement industry", Ralf Rahmede explained the conference agenda. "We need to lay the groundwork today for the revolutionary changes that are imminent in the coming years. The motto of the conference makes it clear what is to be expected: a Retail Revolution". In concrete terms, these can be reflected in four large topic areas, which the various talks and discussions in London will deal with: "Big Data - Smart Data", "The Store of the Future", "Innovation DIY 4.0" and "Home Improvement around the World". Rahmede is convinced that, "through the use of modern technology, the possibilities for the future are endless". However: "Is the Home Improvement industry ready for DIY 4.0? It goes without saying that all this will change the local DIY store locations. What the future holds in store, can be…
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