Bauhaus is now also present in the Netherlands with its store in Groningen.
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German rivalry in the Netherlands

The first Bauhaus store has opened in Groningen in the Netherlands. Its sights are set on the German competitor Hornbach that opened a store in Geleen at the same time
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“We simply cannot accept that someone else is better”, Matthieu Moons repeats again and again. The director of Bauhaus Netherlands sounds like he’s reciting a mantra when he speaks about the ambition to be the best DIY company in the country.
With 20 000 m², 140 employees and 120 000 products, the first Bauhaus is certainly throwing a lot of weighty facts onto the scales. “We are by far the biggest international competitor on the Dutch market. With about twice as many stores as the number two.” Although he doesn’t actually mention revenue, the Dähne Verlag’s Statistik shows that Bauhaus recorded a total revenue of € 5.8 bn for 2014. This  magnitude gives the company a strong purchasing position, according to Moons. Even if about 50 per cent of the product range has been aligned to local customer requirements in the Netherlands. “I have the freedom to do this. So I’ve taken the best from Germany, Sweden and other Bauhaus countries and combined them with other elements that we consider to be useful here.”
The fact that Wolfgang Ketzler, member of Hornbach’s board, told the Dutch magazine Mix that the Bauhaus concept was becoming similar to that of Hornbach’s, irritated Moons. He didn’t say it directly but made it quite clear that Bauhaus wants to be just that bit better in every sector. “We want to have the widest and most extensive range, the best products, the biggest inventory and the best prices. We don’t accept just being able to offer second best prices. No, we must have the best prices.”
Moons recognises enough potential in the Netherlands. “Fifteen to twenty stores are feasible. Our aim is to achieve a nationwide presence with about ten store locations, as fast as possible.” He won’t say how fast that will be realised. In theory, Bauhaus could build a new DIY store within three years; the store in Groningen needed five years. The opening of 5 000m² stores is not an option; just megastore concepts like in Groningen. New store plans for Venlo and Hengelo are currently under scrutiny at the respective local authorities and Den Hoorn, near Delft, Arnhem and about six others are on the Bauhaus agenda.
The plan is not to solely cater for the needs of do-it-yourself customers but the focus is also particularly on professionals. The product range…
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