Forecasting the European DIY scene


Hornbach is best prepared for expansion. Further takeovers could be imminent in the UK: Verdict on developments in the Old World

In the opinion of British market researchers Verdict, Hornbach occupies the best starting position for further expansion following the entrance of  Kingfisher. The market researchers argue that the synergistic effects achieved in procurement and buying provide the German group with a good lead ahead of its national competitors. Apart from this, the remaining major DIY retailers would be deterred from further growth by their complicated corporate structures. In the British market the researchers see Homebase and Focus as possible candidates for a takeover. Furthermore, they consider that Home Depot is for the present out of the running as a prospective buyer because of another strategic alignment.
You will find a detailed report on Verdict’s forecast in our DIYglobal plus section under Trade topics (v. Further articles on this topic).
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