Last time as annual event


The poor start to the season has had a marked effect on manufacturers this year. This could still be clearly felt at Gafa. Furthermore, the feeling was compounded by a mood of uncertainty with regard to the future two-yearly cycle of the fair

Participating at Gafa were 1 210 companies from 52 countries, 70 per cent of the total from abroad. Together they occupied a gross indoor space of 131 300 m². The international market leaders in the category of motorised garden tools and gardening technology made a strong showing at the fair, spurred on by the future two-yearly fair cycle. Consequently, theirs was the largest product category at Gafa.
Innovative ideas in the field of water technology were offered in the new “Water Power” innovation forum.
In Koelnmesse’s concluding report there is mention of the great optimism that characterised the activities at the fair. Voices to the contrary were also to be heard, however. The mood on the stands of many German firms was rather restrained in some cases, pessimistic as well when it came to the outlook for the coming gardening season. Similar views could also be heard from suppliers from abroad.
Whatever else, one positive feature for the exhibitors proved to be the high level of decision-making authority evident in the fair visitors. Between 4 and 7 September, 48 000 visitors came to Cologne to attend the Gafa and Spoga events. Which means that it was possible to achieve last year’s level again this year. 52 per cent came from abroad, travelling to Cologne from 102 different countries. The proportion of foreign visitors recorded a nine per cent increase this year.
According to an announcement from Koelnmesse, the majority of exhibitors reported significant growth in business contacts and trading impetus stemming from the increased number of trade visitors from abroad. “The internationality and quality of the trade visitors has improved yet again. The top national and international buyers were present in Cologne,” was the general tenor of the event according to a statement from Koelnmesse.
Just like last year, 48 000 trade visitors came to Cologne.
Prize-winning new products
There was a variety of innovation forums offering visitors information about new products. The newly created “Water Power” forum, a cooperative enterprise between Koelnmesse and the publishing house of Dähne, displayed new products from the field of water technology. A total of 16 exhibitors from four countries took part in the competition of the same name that was held in the run-up to Gafa. First prize went to Gardena for the “T1030 card” watering timer; Oase was awarded the second prize for its “Pondovac 3” mud vac; and third prize went to Fauquet for a luxury garden shower.
Another novel feature at Gafa was a “Test park” for machinery and tools”. Here for the first time the manufacturers of motorised garden equipment had an opportunity to demonstrate the special features of their new products in action.
It was the power equipment specialists above all who drew the crowds.
Expansion for Spoga
The organisers also announced a positive result for Spoga, the International Trade Fair for Sport, Camping and Garden Lifestyle, which was held in parallel to Gafa and ended on a note of optimism. It attracted 1 213 suppliers from 48 countries, with 78 per cent coming from abroad, and filled a gross exhibition space of 135 195 m².
Since Gafa is due to take place in future only every two years, all the Gafa product categories dedicated to the “Garden Lifestyle” theme will be integrated into Spoga in the odd years. The spectrum ranges from plants to garden decoration, from ponds to garden sheds. Which means that Spoga’s newly created “Lifestyle in the Garden” section will offer all interested suppliers of lifestyle-type products who normally exhibit at Gafa the possibility of presenting their wares in Cologne on an annual basis. Covered here are the areas of furnishings and decoration, plants and plant care products, along with florists’ supplies and pet products, in addition to Spoga’s existing garden furniture and barbecue categories.
It is more than questionable whether the expanded Spoga offer will find acceptance among suppliers next year. Many are looking round for possible alternatives. One name mentioned relatively frequently in this context is “Collectione”, which is due to be launched next May in Frankfurt.
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