Tackers under one brand name


Swedish fastening specialist Rapid has seen appreciable growth over recent years through a number of acquisitions. Now it is time to streamline the portfolio of brands

Until now the Swedish company has operated in the markets of Europe with the Esco, Rocafix and Rapid brand names. However, a simplified concept has now been developed to cover the entire complex of brands, packaging styles and presentations. The most important point here is that there will be only one brand in future: Rapid alone will then serve all channels of distribution in Europe. The two other brands, Esco and Rocafix, will gradually be taken off the market.
The sales display has been redesigned and equipped with a video terminal on request.
This concentration on one brand is being linked to a new POS image. The products will in future be available in blister display packs that allow customers to both touch and operate them. For the time being at least the specialist trade will continue to offer the products boxed in the traditional way.
The range has also been reorganised and divided into three different grades: “Pro” for professional users, “Handy” for experienced DIYers and “Hobby” for occasional users. Ergonomic aspects have been taken into consideration when it comes to the tackers themselves, especially the designer models with their emphasis on shape.
The intention is to do justice to the different traditions of the markets and the areas of application by offering the products in three specific colours (red, green and yellow). The sales display also includes glue guns in addition to the tackers. Here again the range has been geared to the varying requirements of the product users. The company’s presence in-store is completed by a third segment devoted to working with hot air products.
Also new at Rapid is the packaging.
A new element is being tested for the sales display: a touchscreen is installed to allow customers to call up detailed information on products, areas of application and accessories. Useful hints about areas of application that have never even occurred to the consumer can be provided at the same time.
Rapid regards itself as the market leader in Europe when it comes to tackers. Located at group headquarters in Hestra, Sweden, are the production facilities as well as product development and marketing. Production is also carried out in France and the Far East. A turnover of around € 100 mio is generated by the workforce of 1 200 worldwide.
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