Increasing number of British exhibitors


Gardenex, the British federation for the promotion of garden and leisure industry exports, has announced that 25 per cent more companies are exhibiting at Gafa/Spoga than last year

The biggest British contingent in the history of the Cologne multi-trade event consists of 72 companies, mainly members of Garden-ex, together with other UK manufacturers who are exhibiting as independents.
The Gardenex stand in Hall 13.2/C11 forms a central meeting-place for British exhibitors and overseas buyers and will be flanked for the second time by the information stand of British Trade International. The group stand will offer a comprehensive range of services for international buyers who are interested in British products. Here they will be able to gather information about products and search out British suppliers appropriate to their needs before visiting them on the stand. Information will also be available about the more than 200 companies that are currently members of Gardenex and number among the leading manufacturers of garden products in the United Kingdom.
Germany is one of the most important export markets for Gardenex members and this is the 38th time that the federation has, with the support of a government-funded project, organised such participation at Gafa/Spoga. The duo of fairs is regarded by member companies as one of the most important events altogether, which has helped to get annual export sales to Germany to the value of more than £ 20 million.
However, Gardenex also organises group stands for UK companies at fairs in other countries in Europe, including Jarditec in Paris and VTB in Holland, as well as presenting a specially strong presence at GLEE in Birmingham.
Gardenex was established in 1961. Today its 200 member firms employ over 10 500 people and their annual sales total almost £ 1 000 Mio. The latest figures for 1999 show that export sales by Gardenex member companies exceeded £ 150 Mio, which signifies a 13 per cent increase on the previous year. Of these export sales EU countries accounted for 75 per cent, with France, Germany and the Netherlands taking the major share. According to Gardenex, considerable sales can also be achieved for British products in the Irish Republic and Belgium/Luxembourg, and growth is anticipated in the Scandinavian countries in the coming years.
Market surveys undertaken by Gardenex in European countries over recent years have led to a better understanding between the United Kingdom and its export markets. The typical English garden heritage is highly regarded in many of these export markets, a reputation upon which Gardenex has based its activities: helping British manufacturers to adapt their products to the conditions peculiar to overseas markets and developing compatible trading methods.
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