No poison or traps


Brighter Image is an Irish company which has developed a new range of electronic pest control devices specifically for the European market

The company, which has its headquarters in Rush, Dublin, claims to have supplied its devices to almost five per cent of households in Ireland in less than three years.
The new PestClear range includes three devices which operate using sound and ultrasound as well as electromagnetically to drive away mice, rats, crawling insects and flies. The products were developed in Ireland and are manufactured in China in accordance with German TÜV standards. Donal Butterly, executive director and co-founder of the company, says that his concern can as a result offer retailers exceptional margins. In his words, “We couldn’t have achieved annual growth of 300 per cent without the enthusiasm of our trading partners, national buying associations and, of course, the users of these products as well.”
As export director Liam Gavin explains, three different techniques are combined in the one product: “We go to great expense to provide high-quality packaging and, since not many customers are acquainted with the concept of electronic pest control, they can find answers to the commonest questions on the reverse of the pack.”
The devices are available with the right plugs and voltage for the United Kingdom, the EU and the USA. The explanations on the packs can be provided in any language. The products carry all the relevant CE and LVD marks of conformity.
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