Platform for international contacts


From 3 to 5 September there will be 2 350 suppliers from 50 countries presenting their wide-ranging selection of garden and camping equipment during the Gafa/Spoga

Gafa, the international world summit of the garden equipment industry, will be used by 1 200 suppliers from 42 countries to reinforce existing contacts and gain new business partners. The product range is divided between hand-operated and motorised garden implements with 352 suppliers, lawn care implements with 255 suppliers, and ornaments and furnishings for the garden with 215 and 210 suppliers respectively. Lighting and water technology, structural elements for the garden and florists’ requisites form strong keynote categories among the total of 12 thematic areas.
The large number of suppliers from the EU consists principally of 142 from Italy, 71 each from the Netherlands and the United Kingdom and 64 from France. An additional 21 companies each from Belgium and Austria have confirmed their participation, as well as 19 from Poland. Moreover, overseas countries have a strong presence, especially through 62 suppliers from Taiwan, 49 from the USA and 16 companies from Japan.
This means it will be possible to maintain overall the high level achieved last year, since the figures when looked at individually are almost identical. Strong growth is not to be expected because of this exposed position. The international assessment of Gafa is demonstrated once again by the fact that no country is reporting any decrease worth mentioning in its number of participants.
The exhibitors are showing their product innovations and range of services over a total area of 117 300 m² in Halls 9.2, 12.1, 12.2, 13 and 14. Presented next to the machinery and technology areas in familiar dimensions and completeness are bio-chemical products, greenhouses and structural elements for the garden. The latest developments in live plants and pet products round off the overall product offer at Gafa. This diverse spectrum also does justice to the still continuing trend towards an individualistic treatment of home and garden. Within this context the market is increasingly interested in operational comfort and ease of maintenance as well as design-orientation and diversity of colour.
Spoga, the international trade fair for sports goods, camping equipment and garden furniture, is taking place in parallel as an equally stable event with around 1 150 companies from over 50 countries. Foreign participation comes to a good 70 per cent here.
Garden and summer furniture form the most important segment of the ranges on offer with over 600 suppliers. Camping equipment is being displayed by 175 companies, barbecues and grills by 135. A wide selection of sport and leisure articles is being brought to Cologne by 170 suppliers. Growth is to be noted in the barbecuing area in particular.
The joint staging of Gafa and Spoga is rounded off by special shows, trade seminars and casual sectoral meetings. The show entitled “Security in the garden centre” picks up on possibilities for electronic article surveillance. “Fleurvision” will present various trends within the spectrum of subjects involving “Colour in the world of consumer goods”. A highlight will once again be provided by the IVG Messe-Talk, sponsored by the Ratingen-based garden industry association and this year taking “Brand leadership” as its subject.
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