Trade Fairs - News


Kiev-Build, held for the fourth time from 20 to 23 June in combination with the Interiors and Heat-Vent fairs, recorded 13 000 visitors. There was a considerable increase in the number attending from areas around Ukraine, according to the organisers. Over 200 exhibitors from 25 countries presented their products there.
Fastener Fair Europe
The second European fastener fair was held in Maastricht from 19 to 20 June. The number of exhibitors was 35 per cent higher than the previous year. The British version of the Fastener Fair will take place at Castle Donington on 4 and 5 October. Then in October 2001 the fair is to move to Excel, the London exhibition site.
New dates
Batimat Poland, the international trade fair for building and interior work held in Warsaw, is being brought forward to 11 to 14 September.
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