Kortrijk’s 20th DIY fair


At DIY 2001 from 21 to 23 January the DIY and hardware sectors will be united once at the Xpo exhibition centre in Kortrijk

This Belgian trade fair first came into existence in 1982. The market has changed in the intervening period, until today there are many points of contact between the DIY, hardware, timber and building materials sectors. Over the past five years the fair organisers have gone to great lengths to adjust the DIY product offer to these developments. The figures prove that these adjustments are in fact doing justice to the realities of the marketplace: the exhibition space has doubled and the number of exhibitors trebled in the last five years.
In January 2001 there will be 185 exhibitors displaying their products on an area of 30 000 m² in five halls. The product offer is divided into seven categories: decoration (21 per cent of exhibitors), wood (22 per cent), tools (15 per cent), hardware (8 per cent), sanitation (9 per cent), electricity (6 per cent), garden (12 per cent) and all others (8 per cent).
The organisers are offering reasonably priced hotel accommodation to visitors interested in attending the fair for two days. An event designed to appeal to all sectors will be organised for the Monday evening. The BDA (Belgian DIY Association) are offering a peripheral programme in conjunction with the fair organisers. One of the features of this will be a motivation session conducted by Eric Van Vooren under the title “Success is between your ears”.
During DIY 2001 there will be 185 exhibitors presenting their products over an area of 30 000 m².
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