Good attendance figures

The Sun event attracted 24 112 buyers and other visitors with an interest in the sector.
The Sun event attracted 24 112 buyers and other visitors with an interest in the sector.
Exhibitor figures at the 'Sun' trade fair in Rimini remain constant despite lasting one day less

The multi-trade fair consisting of Sun (outdoor), Giosun (games) and T & T - Tende e Tecnica (shade products) recorded a total of 35 000 visitors. The Sun event from 8 - 10 October, held this year for the 27th time and one day shorter than usual, attracted 24 112 buyers and other visitors with an interest in the sector. That amounts to an increase of about 100 on the four-day event held last year. Displaying their products in Rimini were approximately 1 000 companies spread over 16 halls with an exhibition space of 120 000 m².
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