Executive reorganisation at Lowe’s

Top executives are to concentrate on the customer experience

Lowe’s is undertaking a drastic reorganisation of its executive. In the words of Robert A. Niblock, chairman, president and CEO, the aim is to create a “seamless experience” for customers. This will focus on the newly created “customer experience” department headed by Gregory M. Bridgeford, and on operations under the direction of Rick D. Damron.Those reporting to Bridgeford in the future are Robert J. Gfeller as customer experience design executive, Thomas J. Lamb as chief marketing officer, and Joseph M. Mabry as digital interface executive. The executive team centred on Rick Damron includes Dennis R. Knowles as US stores executive, Brent G. Kirby as sales and service fulfilment executive and Gary E. Wyatt as real estate executive. There have also been further redeployments within the executive team, over and above these. Richard D. Maltsbarger is the new business development executive, while Nelson B. Peace will work as corporate administration executive in future. William D. Robinson, as head of international operations and development, is responsible for the stores in Canada and Mexico, as well as the development of further international activities. All the top managers affected by the reorganisation were previously employed by the company.
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