Sales of electric garden tools on increase

However, 2012 saw a decrease in terms of volume in the European marketplace

The overall European market for electric garden tools grew by two per cent to around € 900 mio in 2012. At the same time the number of tools sold went down by one per cent to 13.1 mio items, which is being interpreted as a trend towards higher-value garden tools. These figures come from Bosch, a German manufacturer. The sub-market consisting of Germany, Austria and Switzerland surged ahead considerably more strongly. Here 2.6 mio tools were sold last year, a rise of one per cent on 2011, while sales rose by eight per cent to € 306 mio. The increase amounted to six per cent in the DIY store and online shop sector. The market leader here is Bosch, with a share of 35 per cent.
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