Consumer barometer 2016

Generation 50+: active and comfortable


Active, interested, quality-conscious: Generation 50+ is irreplaceable for consumption. This is the conclusion reached by the "Consumer Barometer 2016 - Europe" of Commerz Finanz GmbH from its study presenting the results of a survey of over 10 500 consumers in 13 European countries.
In the coming months, European consumers would like to invest primarily in leisure/travel (56 per cent) and digital equipment (52 per cent). This fits in with the hobbies of the over-50s, who like to relax in comfort after work. Europeans are also interested in home electrical appliances, at 39 per cent even more than in the previous year (2015: 36 per cent).
In the choice of shopping destinations, Europeans have different preferences according to country and age group. Generation 50+ continues to prefer high street retailers. When it comes to daily products such as food items, the Internet scarcely features for them, and the over-50s prefer to seek advice in store for larger purchases too. They only buy holidays (41 per cent) and leisure products (41 per cent) to a greater extent online.
In their leisure time, both over- and under-50s like to do the same: relax and spend time with their loved ones and on the nicer things in life. The under-50s are more active and spend more time out and about, while Generation 50+ spends more time - an average of 27 hours per week - watching television and surfing the Internet than younger people (21 hours 30 minutes). Great Britain, Belgium and France occupy "digital pole position".
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