In its quarterly report, Lowe's too emphasises the financial cost involved in reacting to the pandemic. In the second quarter, the company invested USD 460 mio (EUR 386 mio) in the support of frontline hourly associates, communities and store safety, it says. Through the first half of 2020, Lowe's has invested USD 560 mio (EUR 470 mio) in Covid-related financial support for its associates and USD 100 mio (EUR 84 mio) in community pandemic relief, with a focus on minority and rural small businesses and health care workers. Additionally, the retailer's second quarter performance resulted in a record quarterly "Winning Together" profit-sharing bonus for its hourly associates at 100 per cent of its stores, which totalled USD 107 mio (EUR 90 mio).
Second Quarter
Covid-19 lets Lowe’s sales grow by a third

In its quarterly report, Lowe's too emphasises the financial cost involved in reacting to the pandemic. In the second quarter, the company invested USD 460 mio (EUR 386 mio) in the support of frontline hourly associates, communities and store safety, it says. Through the first half of 2020, Lowe's has invested USD 560 mio (EUR 470 mio) in Covid-related financial support for its associates and USD 100 mio (EUR 84 mio) in community pandemic relief, with a focus on minority and rural small businesses and health care workers. Additionally, the retailer's second quarter performance resulted in a record quarterly "Winning Together" profit-sharing bonus for its hourly associates at 100 per cent of its stores, which totalled USD 107 mio (EUR 90 mio).