The precise reasons for this purchasing behaviour also varied. 41 per cent of respondents across Europe cited health and safety concerns as a reason and 31 per cent mentioned closed stores. 24 per cent of consumers said, however, that they didn't find what they needed in store. Compared with the other countries, the proportion of consumers giving this reason was highest in Germany at 31 per cent, while for France and Belgium it was lowest at 16 per cent.
European Home Improvement Monitor
A third bought DIY products online instead of in store due to coronavirus

The precise reasons for this purchasing behaviour also varied. 41 per cent of respondents across Europe cited health and safety concerns as a reason and 31 per cent mentioned closed stores. 24 per cent of consumers said, however, that they didn't find what they needed in store. Compared with the other countries, the proportion of consumers giving this reason was highest in Germany at 31 per cent, while for France and Belgium it was lowest at 16 per cent.