The Kingfisher Group has announced a number of senior management changes. Sebastien Krysiak, currently CEO of Castorama Poland, has been appointed to the new role of chief commercial officer with effect from 4 April 2022. In this role, he will assume leadership of the offer and sourcing, supply chain and logistics and customer insight functions across the group. Henri Solère, chief offer and sourcing officer, will report to Sebastien Krysiak.
Pascal Gil, currently at the helm of Brico Dépôt in France, will become the new CEO of Castorama Poland from 4 April. He will also join the group executive team.
Laurent Vittoz will move from leading the group sourcing team to replace Pascal Gil as the new CEO of Brico Dépôt France from 15 March.
In parallel with these changes, Martin Lee, chief supply chain officer, will be leaving Kingfisher at the end of May after seven years working in the group.
In addition to the changes above, Elizabeth Messud, Kingfisher’s general counsel, will join the group executive.
Following these changes, the group executive will constitute:
Thierry Garnier, CEO
Graham Bell, CEO B&Q UK and Ireland
Bernard Bot, chief financial officer
Pascal Gil, CEO Castorama Poland
Sebastien Krysiak, chief commercial officer
Elizabeth Messud, general counsel
John Mewett, CEO Screwfix
Alain Rabec, CEO France
Kate Seljeflot, chief people officer
Adela Smeu, CEO Romania
Henri Solère, chief offer and sourcing officer
JJ Van Oosten, chief digital and technology officer