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Promotions save DoHome’s second quarter

(Source: DoHome)
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Thanks to its sales promotions and activities, Thai home improvement retailer DoHome managed to break even during the second quarter despite the dismal results of its mature stores. DoHome disclosed that sales revenues in April to June 2024 hit 7.92 bn Thai baht (THB, EUR 206.7 mio), up a mere 0.3 per cent from the same quarter the previous year. This was after same store sales for the period fell 5.34 per cent.

“DoHome Fairs” were held in several branches to stimulate sales and boost turnover, the company said. It added that it continued to nurture alternative channels such as smaller stores, e-commerce platforms, and home services.

It also said that the Thai economy was faring better during the period, providing some support to the company. “In the second quarter of 2024, the overall Thai economy showed signs of growth, supported by the tourism sector and increased government spending…

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